In 2020, L’Avventura obtained the Company Certification for Organic Production from the agency Suolo e Salute, a body for checking and certifying organic production in Europe, an agency authorized by the Italian Ministry MIPAAF.

Because we believe in research and protecting the environment, L’Avventura participates in projects in collaboration with l’Università della Tuscia,  CREA (Council for Research in agriculture and analysis of agrarian economics) and ARSIAL (Regional Agency for the Development and Innovation of Agriculture in Lazio).

L’Avventura has always supported best practices in the vineyard for organic and regenerative agriculture (Agricoltura Organica e Rigenerativa AOR) with the technical support of DEAFAL. 

Organic and regenerative agriculture is a theoretical-practical discipline that combines various approaches in order to have an efficient agricultural model that goes beyond the concept of sustainability. Regeneration of soil and correct nutrition for plants is fundamental, using agricultural best practices with modern scientific knowledge.